They learn a lot through observation which is a worrying factor if the environment around their growth is toxic. Behavioural patterns are fashioned and influenced from this early stage.

In realisation of the double burden most single parents go through in that, they have to juggle between the assumed TWO roles considered an advantage to those in functional partnerships.

This category is the nucleus of every community. As we agree on the fact that: TRUE MARRIAGE between any given couples should be defined within the parameters of a sound partnership.

They are at most the future mothers in our communities and growing among unpredictable opposite gender mindsets harbouring in our society and toxic manifestations intensifies their challenges.

Just Mothers Alignment: Beyond any reasonable doubt A MOTHER is the pillar of strength to us all. Families which are core segments in community building are anchored upon the strength of MOTHERS.

This category caters for BOYS as BOYS. The sad truth we face is that we have more BOYS growing up under the care of Single Mothers, some are from Child-Headed families and or just on their own because of circumstances in life.

This is a category where openly issues affecting MEN in their closets are addressed with the goal of detoxicating those struggling with negative traits/addictions/behaviours and or mindsets which in many ways might be contributing to the negative toxic image and personalities existing in our communities.

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We are committed to restoring honesty, integrity, and accountability to government.

We would like to take the opportunity and to get out to the community and hear what their major interests or problems are.