Just Couples Alignment

This category is the nucleus of every community. As we agree on the fact that: TRUE MARRIAGE between any given couples should be defined within the parameters of a sound partnership. Therefore, the wellbeing of married people, emotionally, socially and financially including those with disabilities is of greater influence to the stability and progressive safety of communities.

Socially, community citizens are concerned when they observe toxic relationships. The danger caused by existing damaged relationships is cancerous to society, for it potentially, negatively spreads like hellfire resulting in the birth of toxic cultures. Issues emanating from ungovernable anger, financial constraints, lack of accountability, lack of discipline, extramarital affairs, secrets leading to lack of trust, verbal harassment, sexually abusive and other emotional imbalances against the other party usually trigger the pathway to toxic relationships if left unattended.

Couples are like bricks making the fortress of a city, if the brick gets damaged the strength of the city wall is compromised. Families are anchored upon functional marriages and if we are to win the battle against GBVF, we have to bring some serious alignment to existing couples. One-On-One we customize counseling and mentorship sessions aimed at restoring marriages to their rightful place and drive families into being reliable pillars of communities.

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