Explore my vision on – Siyabalanda Global Souls Network https://siyabalanda.co.za Building positive minds, with positive attitudes & positive life skills will ensure a positive generation and generations to come. Tue, 05 Oct 2021 06:36:35 +0000 en-ZA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://siyabalanda.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-logo-32x32.png Explore my vision on – Siyabalanda Global Souls Network https://siyabalanda.co.za 32 32 Just Kids Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-kids-alignment/ Sun, 03 Oct 2021 14:16:44 +0000 https://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=1972 This category forms the foundation of every society and is key in its formations because so much can be lost and or gained if growth/development patterns are not properly observed. This category has its strength in memorizing what they have seen or heard. They learn a lot through observation which is a worrying factor if the environment around their growth is toxic. Behavioural patterns are fashioned and influenced from this early stage.

Damages done at this stage can last a lifetime to heal and or recover. It is sad to realize how today’s world easily manipulates this fragile and yet so trusting category of our society through numerous channels. If not properly monitored, many of them are being swept away in the presence of their parents/guardians. We do not have to wait for them until they become stray/hurt teenagers, which will be too late; we have to move with them right from the cradle. Leaving this category unattended is community suicidal in its deepest form.

Siyabalanda offers customized One-On-One Mentorship programs guided by the Needs Analysis Reports acquired from the activation of the concerned user. We have skilled professionals who will progressively be upgrading online content and related teaching aids aimed at counseling some, cementing positive moral values and essential life skills in pursuit of quality positive-minded kids.

Just Singles Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-singles-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:30:48 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=268 This is yet another pivotal category of every community. One author once said, “Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress and twice the tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride”. In realisation of the double burden most single parents go through in that, they have to juggle between the assumed TWO roles considered an advantage to those in functional partnerships. One has to make ALL decisions alone, management of kid’s life alone and handle all financial pressures alone.

At times loneliness management goes out of control exposing this only soul to the waves of merciless wolves out there. In most cases single parents are easily lured into love traps as they become desperate for partners. It is usually the hurting they experience either from their Exs or current esteemed partners which collectively negatively messes up their environment and relationships with those around them.

Life must continue with or without a partner. Guarding jealously against the wolves which always want to take advantage of their loneliness and mess the nest they are building around those dependant on them should be of primary focus. Through our One-On-One sessions with members of this category we are able to redirect their focus, strength and positive roles within their spheres of influence.

Just Couples Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-couples-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:30:07 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=266 This category is the nucleus of every community. As we agree on the fact that: TRUE MARRIAGE between any given couples should be defined within the parameters of a sound partnership. Therefore, the wellbeing of married people, emotionally, socially and financially including those with disabilities is of greater influence to the stability and progressive safety of communities.

Socially, community citizens are concerned when they observe toxic relationships. The danger caused by existing damaged relationships is cancerous to society, for it potentially, negatively spreads like hellfire resulting in the birth of toxic cultures. Issues emanating from ungovernable anger, financial constraints, lack of accountability, lack of discipline, extramarital affairs, secrets leading to lack of trust, verbal harassment, sexually abusive and other emotional imbalances against the other party usually trigger the pathway to toxic relationships if left unattended.

Couples are like bricks making the fortress of a city, if the brick gets damaged the strength of the city wall is compromised. Families are anchored upon functional marriages and if we are to win the battle against GBVF, we have to bring some serious alignment to existing couples. One-On-One we customize counseling and mentorship sessions aimed at restoring marriages to their rightful place and drive families into being reliable pillars of communities.

Just Girls Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-girls-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:28:45 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=264 This is the most fragile category in our society. They are at most the future mothers in our communities and growing among unpredictable opposite gender mindsets harbouring in our society and toxic manifestations intensifies their challenges. Directly and or indirectly, girls’ victimization from their tender toddler stage to their teenage experiences right into their young mother’s world exposes them to the observed emotional and behavioural disorders.

Fear of the UNKOWN is haunting them due to what they might have witnessed, heard of and or read in recent days. Our society has driven the pride of our nation to look for safety measures against MEN; this is a serious abnormal societal challenge to be addressed. They no longer feel safe in the hands and presence of male figures around, which to a serious degree affects the way they relate and address their role in society.

They cannot be blamed for the stance taken today, however, just as GIRLS there is a great need to restore, reinforce and align GIRLS’ mindsets and Mentor them One-On-One in a bid to unearth stable, focused, purpose-driven & strong women.

Just Mothers Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-mothers-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:27:17 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=262 Beyond any reasonable doubt, A MOTHER is the pillar of strength to us all. Families which are core segments in community building are anchored upon the strength of MOTHERS. The role played by a Mother cannot be equated to any amount of monetary value, this is one indispensable and irreplaceable function nature has given them. We do not vote for them to carry us all from the embryonic stage till we become independent adults and yet even so the attachment of love they carry never grows old.

Their strength is beyond the output of power contained in any electric sub-station. They are patient, enduring, long hearted, caring, strong will-power, hard workers, first lifetime teachers and the list is endless. Mothers will never be appreciated enough throughout our lifetime and yet they are the most victimized category in society. The very MEN today who abuse women, in general, have ALL once been dependant on a Mothers’ nurturing skills somewhere. Therefore the pains MOTHERS bear can’t be categorized together with any form of pain any other societal group might experience.

Mothers never taught anyone how to become toxic among others; they too are traumatized when they become part of the victimization. It is from this background that in addressing a Mother’s pains you have to understand how they are intertwined and be able to listen to them with another ear. Through our customised One-On-One sessions, we are able to communicate with great care and be able to untangle the ropes and chains meant to bind and destroy their forever needed strength in pursuit of building safer and better inhabitable communities.

Just Boys Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/just-boys-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 09:48:45 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=270 This category caters for BOYS as BOYS. The sad truth we face is that we have more BOYS growing up under the care of Single Mothers, some are from Child-Headed families and or just on their own because of circumstances in life.

Of course, we have those growing under the parentship of both parents BUT with absent/toxic Dads in their day-to-day lives. With such complexities around this precious age group, great work comes into Mentoring Boys in the right direction. They mostly exist surrounded by a cloud of voices & negative observations influencing their pathways.

Siyabalanda will Identify, Screen them and accordingly One-On-One work on unearthing and depositing the positive nuggets that will shape them to become better and safer inhabitants within our communities.

Men to Men Alignment https://siyabalanda.co.za/services/men-to-men-alignment/ Sat, 02 Oct 2021 09:47:31 +0000 http://siyabalanda.co.za/dev/?post_type=cpt_services&p=259 This is a category where openly issues affecting MEN in their closets are addressed with the goal of detoxicating those struggling with negative traits/addictions/behaviours and or mindsets which in many ways might be contributing to the negative toxic image and personalities existing in our communities.

The traditional perpetual pride of MEN in general strongly suggests that –“Even the most feared & hardcore muscular giants easily open up when exposed to a robust face-to-face/head-on-collision with other MEN as the only audience available. Customized One-On-One Mentorship is then fashioned based on the Needs Analysis Report of the beneficiary as deemed appropriate from details captured through our Assessment Stage.

Recruited, Trained, Fit & Proper mandated MEN representing Siyabalanda and or as referred to by Siyabalanda from the very geographic set-ups will be assigned to offer voluntary Psycho-Socio support and follow-ups on the road to recovery.
