This is the most fragile category in our society. They are at most the future mothers in our communities and growing among unpredictable opposite gender mindsets harbouring in our society and toxic manifestations intensifies their challenges. Directly and or indirectly, girls’ victimization from their tender toddler stage to their teenage experiences right into their young mother’s world exposes them to the observed emotional and behavioural disorders.
Fear of the UNKOWN is haunting them due to what they might have witnessed, heard of and or read in recent days. Our society has driven the pride of our nation to look for safety measures against MEN; this is a serious abnormal societal challenge to be addressed. They no longer feel safe in the hands and presence of male figures around, which to a serious degree affects the way they relate and address their role in society.
They cannot be blamed for the stance taken today, however, just as GIRLS there is a great need to restore, reinforce and align GIRLS’ mindsets and Mentor them One-On-One in a bid to unearth stable, focused, purpose-driven & strong women.